When and why to call a lawyer?

5 min read

The best-known definition of this legal specialist is that which presents him as a legal professional registered with the bar, who advises his clients in legal matters, assists them or represents them in court. He takes an oath before taking office officially, and his main role is to defend people in court. In addition, he is competent to give advice and produce certifications. It can be requested by both an individual and a company. In the eyes of the law, he is the legal representative of his clients.

The skills of this legal specialist are vast, as is his role, which can be understood from various angles, depending on the area. Advice, document certification, defense at trial, assistance during an arrest, representation of his clients, the lawyer is multi-dimensional. The cases and circumstances where it is recommended to call on him are therefore numerous. It is nevertheless appropriate to mention a few of them.

If you need advice

It is possible to call on this legal specialist to benefit from his advice. It is not uncommon that faced with given situations, not being legal professionals, many people do not know the appropriate course of action to take. By calling on this expert, he will be able to provide his client with the necessary information on all legal issues.

To settle a dispute, on the strength of his experience in the field, he will be able to guide his client in order to increase his chances of getting out of it. In the context of a trial, he can also assess his client’s chances of victory, or find a means of amicable settlement in the event that the situation is complicated. He also intervenes in the drafting of contracts, in order to ensure the insertion of certain clauses, and also to make clear to his client’s understanding certain notions whose meaning and scope may escape him.

In case of certification of documents and during arrests

In order to certify the authenticity of a document, and to ensure that its date, and especially its content are accurate, it is possible to call on a lawyer to obtain, for example, a countersignature of a deed under signature. private.

He also assists his client during an arrest or custody, during which the police or the gendarmerie may require his presence. In this context, the lawyer can have access to the investigation file, and request investigations from the investigating judge. Also during an arrest, he can advise his client on the need to remain silent or on how to orient and build his defence.

Negotiating contracts for a company

It is now essential for any company, especially those with a very high turnover, to have one or more lawyers specializing in business law. The lawyer will be able to ensure, on behalf of the company, the updating of the formalities relating to the respect of the rights of the shareholders, to the increases in capital, or to the conditions of validity of the clauses of shareholders.

His intervention will be invaluable in the context of the drafting, negotiation and signing of contracts with the company’s customers and suppliers. This is the place for him to show all his mastery of the main stages of drawing up a contract between the company he represents and the other entities. The knowledge and skills of lawyers in social, tax, accounting and financial matters are also a protection for companies, and guarantee their sustainability.

When is the assistance of a lawyer mandatory?

When a person is called to appear before the Court of Appeal, he must be assisted by a lawyer. This is an imperative, just like when it comes to appearing before the Tribunal de Grande Instance. In these places, the lawyer is in fact the representative of his client, who may be a legal person or a natural person.

In order to communicate with the opposing party and the judge, his presence is essential, not only because the law requires it, but also because he has a certain expertise in communication, and has a sense of negotiation. quite sharp. The sense of communication and negotiation are essential qualities when it comes to negotiating a reduced sentence or fine. He always acts with the aim of protecting the interests of his client, in compliance with ethics and the basic principles specific to the field of law.

He also knows from experience what to do in each case, depending on whether it is a criminal, commercial or civil case. Better still, there are lawyers specializing in family law, inheritance, matrimonial regimes, or taxation. Thanks to the assistance of this specialist, the person concerned is exempted from certain administrative procedures. In addition, he masters the remedies , and the intricacies of the judicial system.

In criminal matters, for example, he assists his client, depending on whether he is the accused or the victim, at all stages of the procedure, ie before, during and after the judgment. He may also be present at the start of the investigation, at the time of custody, or in the event of an immediate appearance. At the level of the police court, the correctional court or the assize court, he can be present with his client.

In the context of other cases, he will prepare his client’s file, draft the legal documents useful for the smooth running of the procedure, and ensure the communication of the relevant elements to the other parties concerned.

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