How to integrate new technology into your business?

5 min read

Nowadays, technologies invade our daily lives and our habits, both personally and professionally. We are now surrounded by electronic devices, from our mobile phone and computer to our television and household appliances. However, when it comes to integrating new technologies into a business, change is rarely easy and can be a daunting challenge if employees resist it. Sometimes even the word change can cause reluctance.

But as difficult as change is, technology is always evolving and integrating it into your business can bring you great benefits. Such is the case in the integration of a new mobile application like Mobile Punch.

Tips to facilitate technology adoption in your business

Integrating new technology into your business can certainly make your life easier and represent an opportunity for growth. That said, your employees must be on board and ready to welcome it. Here are a few tips to facilitate the process of technological adoption in your company.

Clearly define your vision and the technology in question

Keep in mind that this employee resistance to change comes mainly from the comfort of the “habits” of how things are done and the ignorance that they can be done differently. And so, to remedy that, nothing better than a clear, precise and transparent introduction of the change and in this case, of the new technology.

Change must start at the top, which means management must take responsibility for bringing employees together and presenting their vision and the why and how of adopting this new technology. It is important, in this sense, to create a sense of urgency about the need for change, by discussing openly and convincingly not only market conditions but also the advantages and benefits of these new technologies.

It would be helpful in this situation to have enthusiastic speakers or technology evangelists in the company who can pitch the product and convince employees that it is in the best interest of the company and its development. adopt the technology under penalty of the obsolescence of the technologies already adopted or of much more agile competitors.

Improve communication with employees

Communication is a key element of the success or otherwise of technological adoption within a company, and it is for this reason that it is necessary to learn how to communicate effectively but above all to invite employees to participate from the start. They should be able to express their ideas, concerns and suggestions by feeling listened to and considered.

As we all know, human beings are creatures of habit, so any change is likely to upset them. This is why it is important to prepare your employees months in advance and not when the time comes. Early in the process, talk to your employees about the new technology you plan to adopt. It will give them time to get used to the idea, motivate them to think, to ask questions…

Innovation is a team effort based on good communication and adequate collaboration between its members. You must then communicate forcefully and effectively about this technology while involving all the people concerned. Involving people from the start reduces their resistance and the rejection rate of the product. In this sense, consistent communication will help you understand their worries and concerns and then respond to them effectively.

This can include using newsletters, town halls, or other communication tools to ensure your employees are knowledgeable about technology, as well as forming a committee to facilitate technology adaptation.

There’s nothing worse than seeing a technological white elephant that needs to be scrapped. And that is why it is essential to provide quality training to your employees in this new technology. The latter will allow you to take advantage of its advantages in terms of productivity, economies of scale and efficiency if and only if it is handled by competent and well-trained people.

The training given must be complete and in-depth, explain to them how this new technology works, its role in their missions, its repercussions… without forgetting to introduce IT training if necessary for people who are unfamiliar with it. Involve them in meetings with technology vendors and system demonstrations.

Ensure a smooth and fast transition

It is important to clarify that this is not against the introduction that must be done earlier, but once all the employees are aware of this new technology and its respective advantages, it is better to make the transition without undue delay or unnecessary drag. Otherwise, the impact of this technology may be lost and staff will face uncertainty and frustration as they cling tighter to old ways.

Here, the management must show determination and set a final date when the company will switch to this new technology.

Ask and listen to their feedback

When introducing new technology, there will inevitably be some start-up or adaptation problems at first. This is an integral part of the change process. So, during this transition period, invite your employees to give you their feedback, comments, questions and problems encountered so that you can remedy them and bring back the appropriate solutions quickly.

Prioritize setting up an ephemeral support service that can help you address all their concerns and concerns. It will also help you to improve this new technology for the future and facilitate its adaptation within your company.

In this digital era, the implementation of new technologies in companies has become essential to ensure its competitiveness and its durability in the market. These represent great advantages for the company, namely:

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